43km Duathlon
MTB 32km | Run 11km
Starting at the Waipapa Dam you will head down the Western side of the mighty Waikato River. The track surface for this first section of your day is hard packed clay, the huge pine forest towers above and the hills start short but sharp. In the 8km following the Dam you undulate your way through old pine forests and traverse a number of board ways, then head up a tough climb and away from the river. From here the going gets easier, with magic views of the River below, before you pop out at the Maraetia Power Station. From there it's a gradual downhill for a few kilometres into the historic river side town of Mangakino (your half way point.)
The next 12km from Mangakino to Whakamaru Dam is a highlight of the day. You will enjoy the rolling gravel track as you hammer it through pockets of bush and across a number of sparkly new swing bridges with farm land and friendly cows to your right and constant views of Lake Maraetai to your left - stunning!
Crossing your last dam of the day, Whakamaru Dam, you will dismount your bike and lace up your running shoes, be straight back into quality trail! Now following Lake Whakamaru you cling to the bank, as the track winds its way east through a beautiful strip of native bush wedged between Ongaroto Road and the lake. The bush opens and you cruise through some spectacular lake side reserves for the last couple of km's before you finish at the truly magic Whakamaru Christian Camp, situated on its own Island surrounded by the clear waters of Lake Whakamaru.
Children aged 14 and under are not able to participate in these events without prior approval.
start TIME and location
The 43km MTB event will start at the reserve at 2034 Waipapa Road, just south of the Waiapapa Dam at 8.00am. Event briefing will be at 7.50am.
You have 8 hours to complete the course - arriving at the finish line before 4:00pm.
There is at cutoff at the 20.5km point at the Mangakino aid station. You will need to be leaving here by 11:50am.
Aid stations are located at the 12km, 20.5km, 26.5km, 32.5km, and 38km points.
The aid stations will stock water and R-Line electrolyte, some will have coke, chips, fruit, and lollies.
Beanie - polypropylene or wool
Spare long-sleeve thermal top
Jacket - seam sealed
Basic first aid kit (including; 2m x 50mm strapping tape, 1x 50mm crepe bandage, 4x gauze pads, 6x painkillers, 15cm self-adhesive bandage strip)
Safety blanket
Food and at least 1.5 litres of fluid