There is a bus option available for anyone that requires transport from the finish line at Whakamaru Christian Camp to the start line. This is optional and is designed for people that don't have ‘support crews' with them to drop them at their start point in the morning. There is an additional cost that comes with booking the bus option, and this can be booked when entering your chosen event option.
MOUNTAIN BIKES - PLEASE NOTE: If you are catching a bus to your start, you must drop your bike off at the Friday evening registration so we can get it to your start line on Saturday morning. If you’re unable to attend the Friday evening registration, you must organise your own MTB transport to the start line.
Buses depart from Dunham’s Point Reserve (right next to event base/finish). Please park your car in the adjoining reserve area, as directed by parking marshals. The bus stop is located in the car park out front, there is no need to come in to the Event Base once you’ve parked your car.
Event | Time | Price |
42.2km MTB Bus | 06:50am | $40 | 42.2km Run Bus | 06:50am | $25 |
22km MTB Bus | 07:00am | $35 |
22km Run/Walk Bus | 09:15am | $20 |
16 km MTB bus | 08:40am | $25 |
16 km Run/Walk bus | 09:40am | $15 |
7 km Run/Walk bus | 09:40am | $10 |
NOTE: If you haven’t booked a bus and would like to take this option, please log in (your personal registration details can be found on your registration confirmation email) and add the ‘Transport’ item - this needs to be booked by 10:00am Thursday 22nd May. Please email if you need assistance.
We won’t issue bus tickets but will have passenger lists at the 'bus stop' in the morning.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There will be NO buses back to the start lines from the finish.